Returns & Refund
We will always try to make sure that items delivered to you are of a good condition and correct. However, the following types of items can be put up for return and refund request:
• Defective item
• Incorrect item from the initial order
• Expired item
• Missing item
If you received any of the above items, please contact our customer service within 3 days upon receiving of your order, subjected to the following terms and conditions:
• Item must be in their original purchase condition.
• All packaging of each item must remain unopened and not defaced in any manner.
• Items purchased as part of a set or multi-item pack, have to be returned as a whole set.
• Items that are labelled as Non-returnable and/or Non-refundable will not be accepted in our return and refund policy.
All return requests are to be submitted to our customer service and the requests will be reviewed and is subjected to approval. All successful cases will be refunded with eVoucher or eCoupon as a credit use for future purchases.
Order Cancellation Refunds
Refunds for cancelled orders will be credited via original payment method and may take up to 7 working days to be processed (subject to respective Banks’s refund processing timeframe).